Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Do's and Don't - during enjoy your holiday in Bali

Do take Rupiah with you when traveling especially to the village. Keep small change on hand because it will be needed when riding public transportation or buying a drink in warung.Don't enter a temple during menstruation. When visiting a temple, always wear a sash or sarong and do not walk in front of people praying.

Do change your money only in banks or authorized money changers. When changing money, always insist on an official receipt at the time of the transaction and take your time to make sure the money received matches the total shown on the receipt.Don't attempt to swim outside designated areas on the beach. There are red and yellow flags, swim between them.

Don't collect of corals or shells or the purchase of any items made from these materials. Also do not purchase any items made from endangered animal product.
Do reconfirm your flight at least 48 hours prior to your next flying. Please consider making a photocopy of your airline tickets and the identifying pages of your passport.

Don't deal in or do drugs. A death penalty could await!
Do leave your important travel documents in your hotel safe and be careful with your belongings at all times. Make a list of all travelers' checks and your credit card details. Store all of this data separately from your wallet. Having these details at hand will speed replacement in the event of loss.

Don't attempt to hire a car or motorbike without full insurance. It is important to have  travel insurance as it will cover you if you are involved in an accident.
Do drink only boiled, distilled or mineral water. Try to get yourself used to the local food, however the flavours sometimes unusual.

Don't attempt to get in the way of the attendees when seeing processions though it's a good chance to take a photograph.
Do respect local customs and traditions when visiting a temple. Please note that this is a land where prayer and religious festivals take center stage.

Don't stand or sit higher than the offerings and the priest when visiting a temple.
Do show respect and avoid honking if you trapped behind the slow pace of local  processions.

Don't attempt to use a flash in your camera in front of the priest or people praying.
Do try to avoid stepping on offerings in the street and  walk around them.Don't touch people's heads. It is considered offensive.


Travel Blog said...

Nice to see this blog. Thanks for posting this tips it's a great help for travelers like me. This will make our trip a successful one. Keep it up mate!

The Freelancer said...

you have a great list! It's really helpful for those who want to travel in Bali. It was really appreciated. I'm grateful and please continue from giving us tips. Thumbs up! More power.

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