Monday, December 10, 2007

Festival of the Arts of Bali

Just 10 km from the popular Kuta beach, thousands come to see the progress made by the musicians and dancers interpreted in Denpasar, Indonesia otherwise, cultural event of the year, Pesta Kesenian Bali, the "Festival of the Arts of Bali.

The spectacular opening procession seven kinds of complicated and dynamic consortium of Balinese music, dance, costumes, floats and giant ogoh - ogoh dolls. It begins in the villages, where local groups in Bali from 21 régences rivals to take the opportunity created by the traditional art in the capital.

It is said that the whole World in Bali is an artist, and the level and the diversity of culture and the island is internationally recognized. These them in the course of the month, traditional and modern music, dance and theater, both islands and countries far more performances of puppets, parades and various competitions (food, flowers, nuts, coconut milk ...). The complete program is available on the website of Bali Paradise.

Most events will be the Werdi Budaya Arts Center, a classic example of traditional architecture, in which 6000-seat amphitheater.

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