Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bali Vacation Rental Options - Vacation Homes, Hotels, Condos, and Villas

Bali Dwipa Jaya is the motto for "Prosperous Bali Island", and indeed an eloquent saying. The numerous Bali Villas are a clear example of the prosperity surrounding this island in Indonesia east of Java. Bali Holiday rental is an affordable lodging option for travelers.

Villas in Bali are suitable for family vacations, family reunions, group travel, and even to hold a wedding ceremony or spend your honeymoon. The striking volcanic scenery of the island is sifted by the Indonesian culture resulting in the mythic charm of the Far East.

Located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is close to Myanmar (Burma), Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. Many rental facilities in Bali also offer special tour packages tailored to your needs, including spa vacations, cultural walkthroughs and honeymoons.

However, Bali Holiday Rental facilities approach a wide array of local amenities in each of the eight districts of the island: Denpasar, Badung, Buleleng, Gianyar, Tabanan, Karangasem, Klungkung, Jembrana and Bangli. The Balinese Families are so close that each member resides together in the same Homes and Villas in Bali.

Elaborate Indonesian dances and rituals, are portrayed to handicrafts adorning Bali Villas. If you still cannot on the type of accommodation you want to rent, a Bali Holiday Rental includes a large number of homes, cabins, villas, condos and townhouses.

Balinese Architecture is highly influenced by two different trends, the Hindu religion, mostly found in temples and other religious and historic structures, and the other indigenous, resembling the Polynesian style that can be appreciated in many Villas in Bali.

Green minibuses provide public transportation, a quality service but with rather expensive fares. However, you can choose other public transport facilities, including taxis, motorcycles, bicycles and a rental car. There are also many tour operators organizing trips in air-conditioned buses.

Bali Holiday Rental service can point you out to Bali Villas situated in areas similar to Polynesian, Hawaiian and Tahitian villages. Natives of Bali are considered artists in craftsmanship that can be appreciated in the finishing of many homes, cottages and cabins throughout the different Villas in Bali.

Many of them are situated in exclusive communities, overlooking world-renowned places such as the Monkey Forest, the National Park or the Bali Golf and Country Club, one of the most impressive seaside golf resorts in all Indonesia, ask your Bali Holiday Rental service for other facilities nearby.

Batubulan in the northeast from Denpasa, and Nusa Dua tourist resort in the southern Bukit Peninsula, are two of the most representative places when it comes to choosing from Bali Villas. Clean beaches and pristine waters, as well as roadside sandstone ornaments make many of the Villas in Bali the perfect setting to stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant express all my feelings when i stayed in Alpine Peaks restaurant totally it seem to a nice place to stay

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